my first crochet cupcake!

my first crochet cupcake!

I liked this pattern the best because each bit is crocheted separately, and therefore if you make multiple cupcakes you can mix and match patty pans, toppings, etc

I bought the pattern here

and I have decided not to stitch all the bits together but to put strong magnets inside the cupcake, and inside the whipped cream, and smallish washers inside the other bits so when you play cupcake shop they stay stuck where you put them.  The magnets are well sewn in and are in the larger (not possible to swallow pieces!- not in the small edible looking cherry!)

I saw a picture on pinterest by the same lady with a chocolate dipped strawberry on top, so I will endevour to make that (without a pattern)

keep you posted!

crochet cupcake