the long story behind a couple of beanies
I’ll give you the long story… (scroll down if you’re bored, I won’t be offended)
Once upon a time Zoe was browsing in Cheap as Chips (good for craft supplies for nannying) and a lady who works there asked her where she got her poncho from, and then would I make one for her. Zoe just laughed and left, and that was the end of that.
So now that I have a surplus poncho I wondered if that lady was interested in buying it cheaply, so a couple of times before I headed down there I changed into a poncho just in case she was on shift. So I was doing that on Friday afternoon -I browsed up and down every aisle so that if any of the workers there were she, she might see me in my poncho, but unfortunately no-one asked me about it at all. But while I was in there I was surprised to see that they had 14 ply country cleckheaton pure wool for $3 a ball! So, not knowing what I would make with it I bought a few balls and took it home.
Friday night I’m searching online for 14 ply free crochet patterns for inspiration and I finally found this (but unfortunately not free)
What attracted me to this pattern is the gorgeous ribbed design
I couldn’t tell if it was 14 ply but it looked thickish wool so I thought I’d try it. What’s to loose? So I fell asleep Friday night dreaming of beanies and woke nice and early Saturday morning and with a quiet house all to myself started with my hook, and worked away until brunch time (when the others woke). I made a two tone slouch beanie in mint and off white, and then Zoe and I went back to Cheap as Chips to get some more of the same (but different colours) and I made a man’s beanie in grey with a band of light grey and deep chilli red band.
the photo isn’t the best, but it will suffice. In my crochet notes section I will add that I started with the magic circle (different to the pattern specified) and was very happy with the result.
On that note I use Fresh Stitches version of how to do the magic circle- I find it MUCH easier than the traditional method!
And also I tried this method of joining yarn (same colours) which I like very much- I think you could machine wash and it wouldn’t come undone, but the down side was because I was using 14 ply thick yarn it did get very bulky for a couple of stitches. I am keen to make another one, but yes I will need to revisit Cheap as Chips! They didn’t have much choice of colours so I’ll have to get more of the same…