water play

water play

So in this hot weather I can’t take my nanny kids out for nice long walks in the pram, so what do we do (apart from read books)?  Yesterday baby B (16 months old) and I enjoyed some icy cold water play outside on the grass in the shade. 

water play

Firstly, in the morning he helped me put 1 little plastic animal in each mini tub- this was a challenge- he kept wanting to put all the animals into the same tub. Then he helped me pour water all over the tubs from a plastic jug- woah B- not so much water!

Then I surrepticiously removed the excess water and put the whole lot in the deep freezer while Baby B blissfully forgot about the whole thing and emptied the kitchen plastics drawer.

We spent the morning at Tusmore Park wading pool- what a treat! including picnic lunch, then after his naptime we collected the tub of mini tubs and took them outside in the shade. 

water play

Let’s list off the toddler joy

– toss mini tubs into big tub of water- splash! splash! splash!

– take out mini tubs one at a time

– put them back in again- splash! splash! splash!

– Oh! red mini tubs are coming away from ice frozen animals- catch the icey animals as they slip away from you!

– investigate animal- get it out of this locked in ice cube!

– lick ice cube

– submerge mini tub in water

– drink water from mini tub and say “ah!”

– stack mini tubs up

– pull them apart

– play with animals- enjoy Leesa making animal noises at you

– walk around on grass clutching as many animals as possible at once

water play

– abandon play to collect small rocks just discovered…